
What a BABE! & a giveaway!

Happy Thursday! One more day until Friday!!! But I thought why not get this weekend going early with a GIVEAWAY?!?! But first I have a few more girls you have to meet. They're beyond fabulous & I love them dearly...you may already know some of them but if not make sure you check them out...they have some pretty awesome blogs! So withouth further ado meet

Well, hello ladies! I'm Jenna and I blog over at Yours Truly, a lifestyle blog all about my daily ramblings and latest obsessions. I'm a 23 year old Social Worker turned Toddler Teacher. I love fashion. I have an addiction to beauty and hair products and should probably be given an intervention for my shopping habits. I own way too many purses, boots, and scarves. I often have a hold on my debit card because I've spent too much money. Sounds like a typical girl, huh? Come on over to my blog and follow along with my random ramblings and latest obsessions... I love new friends!

Hello There Beloved Reader,
My name is Noël Maria... I can't give you my last name because my mom told me not to :) I started to blog as an outlet to the outside world when I was at home with babies crawling all over my floor. I had 4 babies 6 and under at one point. That was 7 years ago. Yes, my blog is old. And No, my blog does not take offense to you calling it old. Well, so now those babes are teenagers and tweeners and as time has gone by I have come to love, I mean really love blogging. I could, and do on a regular basis, blog about EVERYTHING!
Well, except for things I wouldn't talk about with my mom... which is just like bedroom stuff between me and My Giant. Ya know, in a pro pro stuff :) Oh, right let my introduce you to my Giant, real name Moses. He's a biggun at 6'4, tall, not so much dark (cause he's Scottish/English) but OH SO HANDSOME(at least to me anyway). My Giant and I have been married for 17 years going strong and in love and we live in Seattle, WA. with our Fab 4 kids.  If you were to wander over to my blog at, Beautiful Life you might find me talking about all things Vintage, Coffee, VW's Kids, Music, Faith, Love and Marriage, Dogs, Movies, Tattoos, and the occasional Rant or Rave about something, or someone I LOVE.

Hi, I'm Holly. I blog over at Running in Stilettos. It's a lifestyle blog. Sometimes fashionable, sometimes funny, sometimes serious, and always down-to-earth. I am a wife, fur mommy to two dogs and a cat, a grad student, a cheer coach and a lover of wine, Chipotle, organization, scarves and random awesomeness. Come over and join the fun in my neck of the internets :)

Hello Messy Dirty Hair readers !
I'm Malo and I blog over at Life Feels Good in Portbail Beach. I'm a twenty-something fun, caring but perfectly disorganized teacher from France (my blog only is not so disorganized). I teach English and love everything that is related, directly or indirectly, to it: British and American history & literature, Britpop music, Will and Kate, American shows, cheesecakes, NY, John Travolta's dance moves,... and YOU of course! I blog about anything and everything really, I share about my daily life, latest favorites, and thoughts on various topics. Please, come and say hi sometime!

Beautiful girls, I know....so these wonderful ladies have some pretty cool stuff they're giving away! So one lucky winner will win all of this:

You know what to do - but if you're new around here I HIGHLY suggest being signed in to your gmail, facebook, twitter, pinterest accounts - it will make your life SO much easier! Good luck!!


Anonymous said...
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Kristine@thefoleyfam said...

Guilty please food is def cheese pizza!!

Karen said...

My guilty pleasure food are dark chocolate milky ways!

Sarah said...

My guilty pleasure food is a Vegetarian burrito with guacomole! YUM!!

TheTinyHeart said...

My guilty pleasure food is anything chocolate!

The Tiny Heart
Enter to win a gift card (open internationally!)

Dalayna Dillon said...

Sour gummy worms!!! Ugh, fight the temptation.

Unknown said...

My guilty pleasure food is french fries, I can eat those golden sticks of goodness all day long.

Stephanie said...

Thanks Kelly and sponsors! My guilty food is totally nachos, except, I never feel guilty about it, they're amazing.

Because Shanna Said So said...

Thanks for introducing me to some fab new ladies!

Amanda Busch said...

I have too many guilty pleasure foods Chicken pot pie, mac and cheese, cheese dip and cupcakes are some of my favorites!

Jennifer Leigh said...

My guilty pleasure food is Crumbs cupcakes! LOVE the Apple Turnover flavor. They're delicious!

Chelsea said...

Anything chocolate!

Anonymous said...

grilled cheese


Mia @ The Chronicles of Chaos said...

My fave is buffalo hot wings! The hotter and the greasier, the better! :)

Kasey said...

my guilty pleasure food is candy. chips and salsa and chocolate covered pretzels !!


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