I am so excited for today's guest blogger! Its actually an interesting story of how we met...she found my boards on Pinterest.com & left a sweet compliment on one of the pins. I then started following all her boards & realized that we actually have a lot in common. So of course we took the usual steps...we became facebook friends, then twitter friends...& then we both launched our blogs at the same time! She is SO fabulous & has such aaaamazing style...she currently lives in fabulous New York & is a Zoologist..i mean how freaking cool is that?! So meet Kecia of CoutureZooBlog.com ....
When Kelly asked me to guest post on her blog I was flattered because, when it comes to my own messy dirty hair, my stick straight hair is more crack head chic than sex kitten chic! Kelly clearly doesn't hold my inferior hair against me!
I used to live in SoCal (San Diego! What!) for almost ten years. Kelly breathes California cool into Messy.Dirty.Hair and her amazeballs blog brings me the best of the west coast cool that I miss. I spent most of my twenties in San Diego. My twenties were trying, testing, tumultuous, and a hella insane good time! These are some of my favorite things I miss from my SoCal life.
I miss seeing surfboards everywhere. Mind you, I don't surf. I don't like being cold and wet so surfing is clearly not conducive to my best interest. But I love the laid back surfing communities and the dedication and passion surfers have for their sport. Plus, surfers generally tend to be hot.
I miss every street being lined with palm trees and having them in my yard. Palm trees just evoke an automatic tranquility. Sometimes when I'd get caught up in the rat race, I'd just stop and look at the palm trees and think "I live in f*ck*ng California, yo." For those that don't know me, that's a helluva long way away from the cornfields of Indiana where I grew up.
My beach cruiser. She was a beaut...white Schwinn with baby blue pin stripes and white wall tires. I still regret selling her when I moved. And the basket is KEY. How else are you going to get your booze to the beach?
SoCal style. Let's face it... SoCal girls are a girly glam ghetto...and I love it! West Coast!
Skaters. I LOVE that skateboarding is a legitimate mode of transportation in southern California. Skateboarders are everywhere. I got to know some of the skaters for Tony Hawk's Boom Boom Huck Jam and follow them on tour to a few of their shows. Three words: Hella. Good. Times.
LA. San Diego and LA are so close together yet very different cities. I loved going up to LA for weekends.
Roach Coaches. The most insane good food at the most insane cheap prices. I just miss mexican food in general. I went from living in San Diego with a freaking taco stand on every corner to as far north as you can live in New York before you hit the Canadian border. The only mexican food I have access to now is Taco Bell. I think not.
via Me
My animals at the zoo. Working at the San Diego Zoo gave me the opportunity to work with some of the most amazing animals! I can't even begin to describe it.
Mostly I miss my friends. I made some of the best friends of my life when I lived in San Diego. Friends that were there for me through the best of times and the worst of times. Friends who, after having moved away nearly five years ago, are still strong presences in my life. I love them and miss them and this blog post is dedicated to them!
Isn't she just amazing? Now go check out CoutureZooBlog.com!!!!!
This is such an amazing post. I'm ready to pack up and move to California.
What a great story of how you two met!
Cute post. That's really fun how you met. I've never been to Cali but I could definitely agree with some skater boys right about now. ;-) And I love your bike. That is too cute...sorry you had to sell it.
Oh my goodness, you have ME missing SoCal and I've never even lived there!! Hahaha! This is a great guest post. I do love to visit Socal (mostly LA because I have a couple friends out there) but I have been to San Diego once and it is totally one of my most favorite cities ever! It is so pretty and to me, seems much more peaceful than LA. So much more CLEAN. ;) And I think it's pretty effing awesome you worked at the SDZ. Love it.
just visited my sister a little while ago in San Francisco and i have never had better Mexican than out of this little truck she took us too...I was a little weary but it was AMAZING!
I think I should have also mentioned how expensive it is to live in CA! I knew there was a reason I moved away! ;)
I love the friendships I've formed online! That's one of the things that excites me about having my own blog too!
I know! I should have kept that bike!
Yeah, SD and LA are both awesome, but each in their own way. And it WAS pretty effing awesome working at SDZ!
I'm dying for some good mexican food right about now!
You are killing me... Those pics made me yearn for home! Going back to cali Cali cali...nah I don't think so! Great post ;) mouth is watering for homemade tortillas...
Glad you can enjoy it! Eat some good grub for me when you go back for your visit! xx
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