
meet my kids.....

okay sooo I'm a day late but anything that has to do with animals i HAVE to participate in, so I'm doing it today! I'm linking up with the beautiful C-Mae over at Happiness Is....she has a lovely blog & it's always fun to read! soooo i know its tail wagging Tuesday & I'm not sure if that's just for dogs, but listen people I'm a dog person as well as a CAT person...so this will be a post of both my dogs & cats...i currently live with my amazing mom...were roomies, so i am going to include her animals as well since really they're mine too...we're just one big happy crazy family....i love it!

another fun thing about our animals & I'm sure you all can relate is we have a ton of different nicknames for them, some we have NO idea how they formed but they're silly......Also every single animal we have has been RESCUED...i do not believe in getting a pure breed because there are TOO many homeless animals out there who need love, please consider adopting!
Meet DOLCE - named after Dolce & Gabbana, she was my first very own pet, we have been through EVERYTHING together...she is more human than pet & rules ALL of the animals, more on dolce later...
Nicknames: deets, deets mageets, deeders, bitch, dd, pouch girl

Meet MAXX - named after the surfer dude Max on TMZ....i rescued him on 9/11/2011 - best.day.of.my.life. He is just a doll & we have a lot in common, like our laziness & willing to sleep allll day, & our LOVE of the mall...no joke he loves the mall...not to mention we have the same type of hair when i let his grow out...
Nicknames: maxxie, maxxie poo poos, maxxiepad, maxamillion, bean, old man rivers, old timer, bruiser 

Meet PUMPKIN - named because of her color & i got her during October....I got pumpkin a few years after I got Dolce...they weren't friends at first but now they're sisters & the best of friends....you don't mess with Pumpkin bc then you'll have to deal with the wrath of Dolce.....
Nicknames: pumps, pumpy, digs, diggys, shakey tail girl

Meet LUCY - She is my moms dog who we rescued a few years ago....originally we were going to name her Bella, but because she is SO silly like Lucy from I <3 Lucy we had to name her Lucy. She is the sweetest & happiest dog i have ever met, considering she had an AWFUL life before us....she brings joy to my life everyday
Nicknames: goose, stretchy legs girl, luce, mum mums, Elvis, laquisha

Meet SUMMER - named after Summer from the show The OC, also my moms cat, she is such a sweet soul & a flirt w my BF....also, she is the bigger creeper, wherever you look theres summer watching you...she is also such a cuddle bug....
Nicknames: summy, sum, sumsum, creeper, stocker girl, pa pa, chemo girl

Meet LOUIS - named after Louis Vuitton, he's actually my sisters cat but louis is kinda a wimp & doesn't deal with changes very well, & we want him happy so we have him...but its okay because we love louis & let me tell you he is a ladies man!  he originally dated Dolce, then went to Summer & then Pumpkin & now he goes between Pumpkin & Summer....Pumpkin is OBSESSED w Louis, she gets her heart broken every time its Summers turn on the rotation & Dolce hates it...she literally beats up Louis for being mean to pumpkin....
Nicknames: lou lou, bryan, soul, ladies man, big papa, fabio

and that's our kids! and in all seriousness i could have A LOT more..i love animals, just are better than humans....you don't know true love until you have owned an animal....i highly suggest adopting, it will be the best decision of your life...here are a few more pictures of the kids hanging out....

Superbowl Sunday this year - we're Raiders fans but i also am a big Tom Brady fan....Maxx is sporting his Official Raiders Jersey & Lucy is stylin in a pink & blue cheer leading outfit

The Chain Gang, which consists of Dolce, Pumpkin & Summer...Louis is not apart of any gang

don't you love Maxx's fohawk!?

Sisterly Love

Pre Maxx....everyone just hanging

We call Summer & Dolce the NEW BFFs...dolce did not always like Summer, however Summer is is obsessed with Dolce...eventually they became friends

love birds

everyone enjoying their Thanksgiving meal

oh ya maxx LOVES the beach too just like his momma

and I'll end with Dolce, since she was the first....i know that i have posted a few things about Dolce & how she is a very interesting cat...i will def be doing a blog on why she is so interesting but let me leave you with this....Dolce has her own Facebook page with over 100 friends...want to know why? stay tuned.....


Mimi said...

maxx's faux hawk is awesome! ;)

<3, Mimi
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Katie said...


Annnd, I feel the same way -- soooo much better than humans! HA!

Thanks for the new follow pretty lady! :)

Kimy Lemus said...

aww so cute! i have 3 cats! and i love them!


Kell said...

I LOVE your animals! I wish I could adopt every dang cat and dog I see at the shelter, it makes me so sad. Obviously my dad feels the same way, because we have 6 dogs. Ha!

JMB said...

YOU KNOW I love animals better than people on any given day :) You have a BEEEEG heart in a little body!! I LOVE it. My fav is Max :) These babies are lucky indeed. Loved getting to know your kids bahaha - it's the same! They don't think they're animals!! xo

Anonymous said...

Love our souls. Great blog. And hopefully people will rescue more animals. Because they r the most appreciative.

C Mae said...

Wow you shared a TON of great instagram pics!!!! Thank you so much for linking up!!!

Janna Renee said...

You have a LOT of cutie pies! We adopted too! We found a Weimaraner rescue instead of buying one, and even ended up taking a mix home that kept getting looked over. He is now our angel <3

Anonymous said...

Super excellent post! Loves, loves, loves it!



Georgi said...

awwww cute doggies!! :)

I love your blog, maybe if you like mine too we can follow each other? :)

Georgi at 7wonders xx

Wendy said...

Nice post!!! ;-) i'm a cat person!!


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