
its like crack

hello loves & happy Sunday! So today I am off getting my hair dyed! oh yes that time has come again...however i am not just getting my roots done...it's time for a change...if you remember i have had an array of color changes throughout the years with my hair, from red to black to brown...you can check out all my previous hair colors HERE

so Ive been bleach blonde for about 2 years now which is way longer than usual...i usually change it up every year but i haven't been...

so I've decided its time to change up my hair color....what color you ask? well of course I'm not gonna tell you...you're gonna have to come back next week & see...but I will leave you with a hint....its something i haven't done yet, so its gonna be new..I'm excited.

ok moving on....so today I am back linking up with Neely & Ashley for Social Sunday..today's topic is online themed so lets get social!  
Sunday Social

1.     What is the first website you log on to each day?
It would defiantly be Google to check my email, then I go to twitter & see what’s going on in twitter land…this is usually done in bed on my phone right after my alarm goes off…obsessed much?...then I proceed to read these blogs here, here & here....& then here, here  & here :)

2. Give us some funny websites you visit that we need to know about
I feel like I don’t go to funny websites...i never venture out & look for random things online...I'm usually online for a reason...boring i know..

3.    Pinterest or Facebook? Why?
Pinterest – it’s like crack. I just love looking at all the pretty pictures & colors plus there isn’t pinterest drama like there is with facebook


3.     Twitter or Instagram? Why?
Both...they're both fabulous in their own ways – twitter because I feel like you have way more freedom to say what you want plus following celebs is so fun & instagram because you can post as many pictures as you want without looking insane like you would on facebook filling up peoples news feed.
4.     Favorite YouTube video...posts it!
This is my favorite wedding proposal & this video makes me cry every.single.time....its about 5 minutes, but you have to watch the whole thing...let me know if it made you cry too

5.     Biggest online pet peeve?
Girls who constantly talk/post about being insecure but yet they post thousands of pictures of just themselves in all these seductive poses..Sorry hunny you’re not fooling anyone...people who post their entire lives & people who are constantly changing their profile picture weekly, even daily. Like really?!

via...i am guilty of the "duck face" once in awhile

that's it for today...tomorrow I have my Messy Girl of the Month taking over the blog showcasing some her style & I have a very special giveaway on Wednesday from my favorite boutique...you will not want to miss out on this!

Also don't forget Click-a-Pic Challenge is back this week on Tuesday, the challenges are Friends, Awkward, Travel, Fun & Late Night...click some pics & linkup with Nicholl & I on Tuesday!



This is How my Garden Grows


Ashley said...

Ok, LOVE that video! Super sweet!

Thanks for linking up!

Hilary said...

Just came across your blog from A Complete Waste of Makeup. Can we be bffs? You're "about me" describes me to a T. Especially the part about Louis Vuitton and Tory Burch :) :)

So happy to have found you!

Anonymous said...

I am SO with you about the facebook business. I feel like it happens in blog-land too. Which is why it's nice to read a refreshing blog like yours. :) By the way, I used to wash my hair every single day, but now I wash it every other day max after reading your blog. Which is a big step for me. :)


E said...

Ohhhh totally made my eyes water up. I love how you can see how nervous he was, when he was down on his knee waiting for her response, and then how all she could muster was a nod of her head, because that's totally real emotion right there.
Happy Sunday!

The Pretty Pinhead said...

I love that proposal video. I get jealous every time I watch that. He is a KEEPER!

Newest follower from the Sunday Social!

The Pretty Pinhead

Cathy said...

Can't wait to see the new hair color! :) I check twitter while still in bed in the morning too...haha!


Anonymous said...

You have a really nice blog! Would you like to follow each other?

Sarah Lynn said...

Can't wait to see your hair! I dyed mine last night, raspberry red with black on top, posting pics today! i love different hair colors and changing it up all the time. Oh and that video, I'm such a girl!, didn't even realize I was crying til the end and my face had tears running down it. love it!


Unknown said...

i definitely teared up a tad watching the video! it was too cute!

Unknown said...

Love the video and totally agree with your pet peeve.

I'm a new follower from the Sunday Social!

erica @ to the sea said...

I'm dying to go bleach blonde again! But I went straight from bleach blonde to black and my hair is pretty damaged so i'm going to let it chill for a bit.

AndreaLeigh said...

I also check Twitter and IG before I even get out of bed. Happy Sunday!

Sarah said...

I can't wait to see your new color!!! I'm sure it's beautiful!

Because Shanna Said So said...

Can't wait to see the new color!!! ;) And your pet peeve cracks me up!!! LOL! Hope you had a fab weekend, sweet lady!!

Anonymous said...

my annoyance was the same thing!

Unknown said...

Such a sweet video!

Jennifer Hanson @ Wuthering Iris said...

Hey, thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I am totally loving your blog as well and this post was so entertaining! Can't wait to see what you post next!

Have a great week!


Janna Renee said...

I love my shout out ;) I agree with ALL of the above. Especially the girls who post all of these "look at me" pics, but you know they are just insecure. Grow some balls ladies! Confidence IS beauty! BTW that video is priceless! Stuff like that always puts me in tears. Love you!!

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