
straight from our mouth...

so i don't know about you but I thought The Grammys last night were fabulous...one of the best ones I've seen in awhile!! 


but instead of doing the usual Grammy recap about the fashion & the awards because I am sure you will find 75% of posts today about that...I always wondered what its like in your homes while watching The Grammys or any type of world wide show....are you silent the entire show? Do you chat during the commercials? Or talk the entire time of the show? 

i have seen Raven do this type of post before when all the elections were going on & I really enjoyed reading her recap straight from her mouth as she was watching it....so last night while the BF & I were watching The Grammys I decided to write down some snippets of what was said between us during the show....

show starts 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - 

taylor is trying to be like Britney with the Circus Theme - ME

No its Alice in Wonderland babe - BF 

stop talking LL Cool J - ME & BF

J Low...ew - ME

{ FUN comes out to perform } oh god not them - BF

Aww Justin & Jessica together - ME

oh no, not country - ME

YESSS don't fast forward this - BF

{ john mayer walking out to present an award } ahh cut to  katy perry - ME

hello Katy's boobs - ME

Carrie Underwood looks goooood - ME

oh my god Rihanna is with Chris - ME 

{ Johnny Depp come outs } did he just get off the set of pirates? - BF

ellen messing with beyonce...bahaha love her - ME

Rihannas new song is amazing, except for the fact its about Chris - ME

{ Bruno Mars gets announced } oh yeah yeah, oh yeah yeah - ME

awwww Neil Patrick Harris & his hubby singing & dancing to bruno mars - ME

ahhhhhh shut up! Bob Marley tribute - ME & BF

{ announcing album of the year } please let Mumford & Sons win, please let Mumford & Sons win - ME & BF

{ LL Cool J announces he will be singing } oh my god I am embarrassed for him - BF

i feel like this performance is to prove even though he doesn't sing much now he still has it...- ME

you don't have it LL, please stop - ME

show ends

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

our favorite part of the show was hands down Sting & Bruno Mars...& then them leading into the Bob Marley tribute....pure amazingness

what did you think of The Grammys? 




Kelly said...

I love your recap Kel, too cute!

Sparkles and Shoes

Anonymous said...

HAHA Rihanna officially lost any all respect I had for her after she officially got back with him a few weeks or so ago.

Yay for Mumford & Sons, they deserve it. And I heard The Black Keys took home a lot as well. Love them.

I don't watch award shows - any of them. The Walking Dead was on. Zombies are better than awards in my house =]

Jan said...

This is a fun recap! I looove Ellen!

I'm having a giveaway on my blog if you're interested. :)

Pamela said...

Loved the Bob Marley tribute!!

Amy Charming said...

So I don't watch award shows, but I thoroughly LOVED your recap/convo!

Shelley said...

Rihanna is with Chris again!? What?! What is she thinking?? Sigh.

Katie @ Eventfully Crazy said...

I also believe that this was the best one I've seen in a long time! Love your recap! :)

Thomas Mundell said...

lol good idea for a post! I always wonder too.. because it is kind of hard not to talk during the grammys ( being that I want to judge everyone and sing along) . IM looking forward to the Oscars with seth McFarland as a host!!! SOOOOO FREAKING EXCITED

Jen said...

haha I love this! I thought it was good, I love LLCOOLJ at the end.

SH said...

Haha what an awesome recap!

The Hartungs Blog

Kathrin@shopschoolsleep said...

hahaah I love this recap!! I love Bruno Mars and Sting's performance!! Prob the only performance I caught

Ashley said...

one of the best recaps of the day...thanks for sharing now I just have to watch it myself on the DVR!

Unknown said...

I loved the Bob Marley tribute. And all the beautiful dresses.

The High Heeled Brunette said...

Love this post!

P!nky said...

HAHAHa that's awesome.

Similar to me and my boyfriend's comments. too cute!

My-cliffnotes said...

Love this!

The Pink Growl said...

JT's performance was definitely the highlight for me! He can do NO wrong with me, love love love him! Can't wait to get his new album!

Janna Renee said...

Haha this is a way better way to recap!! Will would never watch, so it's great that you got the BF to watch and comment!

Because Shanna Said So said...

This was fun reading your tidbits! I was thinking the same thing about Ellen and Beyonce. LOL! And Logan said that Justin Timberlake sounded like Elmo! It was a GREAT show!

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