
let it be

hey hey hey! I know, it's Monday boo freaking hoo....let's move on ----> so yesterday the BF & I got our annual pumpkins....at Walmart for a grand total of $5 for 2. oh. yes.....picked up a new pumpkin sketch book & got down to carving. So I wasn't feeling any of the sketches in the book. They we're all so Halloween.  Ha, I know it is Halloween, but I wanted something girly...like Hello Kitty in a witches hat?! I love Hello Kitty. I don't know if  I've told you guys that. I'm obsessed......the BF won me a big hello kitty last year at the fair...it's pretty amazing....ok wait, I'm getting sidetracked....hello kitty can do that to you....ok back to pumpkin carving. ---> I decided I wanted to do something fun that incorporated my blog somehow...i know so original, ha..... soooo I decided to trace my first logo.......I am actually shocked at how it turned out....I thought it would be a total disaster but it's not. I mean...its not great, but i'm pretty happy about it....what do you think --->

& the BF... well he found something in the sketch book & of course it turned out aaamazing ---->

ahhh I love this time of the year! But enough of me today...I've got a pretty cool chick taking over the mess so I'm outtskies........seriously i need to stop writing these posts so late...outttsikes? really Kelly?


The last time Miss Kelly featured me here just a couple of weeks ago I had hit a wall. If you chose to follow my gongshow of a blog after that feature, then you'd know that the struggle just kept going, and going and going....and going some more until this past Thursday.

In retrospect of the situation, I couldn't control it, so I allowed my emotions to control me.

And let me just tell you ladies (and gentlemen - are you here? ... Bueller?) living in fear of the unknown is no way to live. I know that it's easier said than done, trust me, but if there is one thing that I have learned this month - there is always a plan in store for us, and once we relax and stop trying to control the situation, the situation will work itself out...on it's own.

What is meant to be will be, right?
It's the start of a brand new week - don't ruin today by worrying about tomorrow.

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& tomorrow I will be guest posting over at Janna's blog Perception is Everything while she's out celebrating her Birthday...I'm showcasing some Halloween costumes over the years ----> some cute, some slutty....you get the gist.....so be sure to check it out, because I won't be showcasing the costumes on The Mess.

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On a mission to lose the cushion


Jamie said...

Your pumpkin came out great!

Kasey said...

holy crap I love your pumpkin!! you did such a freaking awesome job :D your boyfriend's turned out great too! Y'all are some pumpkin carving geniuses!! :-P Happy Monday!

Katie Did What said...

WOW, girl, you've got some pumpkin carving SKILLS!!!! That is amazing! And I love Kym! What an uplifting little post :)


Holly said...

Both of your pumpkins turned out AMAZING!

Michelle said...

Your pumpkin turned out great! Love it!

Lizette said...

Your Messy Dirty Hair Pumpkin is AMAZZZZING!! WOW!!!

Helene said...

umm talented much! i can barely create a face out of a punpkin. jeezzz.

Unknown said...

COOL PUMPKIN! Holy amazing carving skills haha :) LOVE IT!

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding?! Your pumpkin came out AMAZING! I can't even carve a freaking eyes & mouth into one that looks normal. Way to go, girl!

Vicki said...

Your pumpkin is amazing!!! :)

Tere Shake said...

um that pumpkin looks AMAZING. i dont even know how you did that, i am way to uncoordinated with that stuff!

Anonymous said...

Your pumpkin came out great, that is so neat you did your blog logo (: Great pumpkins!

My-cliffnotes said...

Uhh you two are so talented at pumpkins

Megan L. said...

Beautiful pumpkins! You are right - no sense in wasting today's energy on tomorrow's "possible" issues. :)

Kelly B. said...

Your pumpkin in amazing! We have yet to carve ours! :) Have a great week!

Jen said...

Your pumpkin looks awesome!!! :)

Kathrin@shopschoolsleep said...

Love the pumpkins!! Your blog logo pumpkin looks amazing!!

Because Shanna Said So said...

Seriously??? You win pumpkin carving of the year! This looks AWESOME!!! I love it. And you are right...stop worrying and just live! xo

Janna Renee said...

Holy cow! Those might be two of the best pumpkins that I have ever seen! LOVE'EM. And to be honest, I really needed Kym's message today! I'm stressing about everything going on in the next month and that really helped!

Makeup & Art Freak said...

Check out my blog when you have time and maybe we can follow each other! :)

Anonymous said...

The pumpkin looks great!!!! Love the bow too lol !! I'm slightly embarrassed for your use of the word outskies but it did make me laugh hahah and most likely I will begin to use it . I did a kitty cat for my pumpkin, probably one of the most elementary sketches out there but I was more than excited when it actually turned out. I think we both know I am not the most artistic .

Well yeah

Brani Laine said...

A LONG time ago I tried to find your blog after a comment you'd left me (but at the time I was clueless) so I am very happy to have found it now. It's great, love it, and I will def be following. :]

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