
Meaningful Christmas Gifts After A Hard Year


This year especially, it is important for us to choose the most meaningful gifts for the ones we love. Time has gone by in a blur in 2020 and so many of us have been unable to see our family or friends since spring. 

Now that the festive season is upon us, let’s take some time to really think about the gifts we buy for the people we love and a sure that they feel special and loved this Christmas. 

Here are some of our top ideas for meaningful Christmas gifts you can buy for people you love. 

A Pamper Kit 

Self care is number one this year, and if you have a loved one that needs to practice some TLC you can create your own pamper kit for them to use when they are in pain or need a relaxing day. A DIY pamper kit could include: 

  • A face mask 

  • A hair mask 

  • A lip scrub 

  • A face cloth 

  • Moisturizer 

  • Chocolate 

  • Nail polish 

  • A manicure kit 

  • Hot chocolate sachet 

  • Hot chocolate mug 

Something like this shows that you have put that extra piece of effort in and that yon truly do care. 

A Photo Collage 

What could be better to give to someone you haven’t seen much this year than a lovely collage of you both together? A photo collage can be a magical thing, and it will allow you to show your love for someone as well as give them something they can hang up in their house every day. A photo collage is a fun present to make and you can spend a long while choosing the photos you want to use as well as where they will go on your piece. 

A Book 

A book might not seem like the most inspired gift however it is sometimes the most meaningful of all. A book is a tool with which you are able to escape the real world and enter a whole new one. It is a beautiful tool for self care and can be a wonderful gift to give someone to show that you are thinking about them. Choosing a book you think someone will love is a very personal thing and you can really show how much you know someone by what you choose. 

A Piece of Jewelry 

Jewelry is a very personal gift and something that you will often only buy for the most important people in your life. A beautiful necklace or a custom ring can be a present that will wow and bring someone to tears, and you can even tailor a piece of jewelry for a purpose. For example, you can create jewelry for cremation ashes by Memorials.com to remember a lost loved one; or perhaps you want to buy jewelry to celebrate a special year in a person’s life. 

A Pet 

If you are buying a present for your partner or child this year, one thought could be to bring a pet into your family. Pets such as cats and dogs are wonderful creatures and they become a real part of your family. Rescuing an animal in need is one of the most meaningful things you can do for the animal itself because you could save its life - but for your loved one you are bringing the most special gift into the home of all - life. If you do think about getting a pet it doesn’t have to be a cat or a dog; there are countless other options such as rabbits, hamsters, birds, reptiles or fish. 

A Date 

For a loved one, perhaps the most special gift of all this Christmas would be a date night. Spending a day or an evening with your loved one can be the most valuable and meaningful gift of all - especially at the moment when people are largely unable to spend time together. 

Home Baked Treats 

If you love to spend time in the kitchen, one fun way to spend your day is making baked treats for your family. Baked treats can include anything from cakes to cookies to fudge and will make their day when they receive it. One great idea for a treat you can wrap up is millionaire shortbread.  


  • 300g flour 

  • 200g butter 

  • 100g sugar 

  • 400ml can condensed milk 

  • 100g muscovado sugar 

  • 100g butter 

  • 200g dark chocolate 

  1. Preheat the oven to 180C and grease and line a square dish. 

  2. To make shortbread: crumb flour butter and sugar in a bowl with fingers until a loose dough forms. Press into the square dish and chill for 10 minutes. Bake for 20-30 minutes until golden. Cool.

  3. To make caramel: add butter, sugar and condensed milk to a pan and bring to the boil. Once everything is melted, simmer for 5-10 minutes until thickened slightly. Cool.

  4. Pour caramel over shortbread and chill for 4 hours. 

  5. Melt chocolate over a pan or in the microwave and then pour over the shortbread and caramel. Leave to chill overnight. 

  6. Cut into squares and enjoy! 

Gifts like these are thoughtful and bring much more meaning to Christmas! 

*Collaborative Post

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