
Calling all Target Lovers!

happy monday lovers! i know i know, its not really happy because its monday but it's a new week & seriously time is flying by....so it will be friday before you know it. just you watch.  

So my weekend was good - I babysat my favorite little kiddos alllll weekend . seriously I am so lucky to have found this family a few years ago. it was so random too - i had posted on craigslist for an occasional babysitting job & they called the next day. we met at starbucks & I have been with them ever since. i am seriously  blessed to be apart of their amazing family. how was your weekend?
how freaking amazing is this sunset from their deck?! #nofilter
a big thank you to everyone who has already signed up for the Secret Santa Holiday Gift Swap - we are so excited about it! If you haven't signed up yet & want too you can do so HERE


Soooo today you get to meet The Messy Girl of the Month!!! i actually didn't know of her blog until she sponsored me & boy am I glad she did. her blog is wonderful. she is a traveler & writes about her adventures with her hot hockey hubby. i don't get to travel much & haven't been to Europe yet so I love finding bloggers who write about their travels. not to mention she is a great writer. you can really feel what she is saying.  but besides traveling she dabbles in pretty much everything. but enough of what I have to say. meet her yourself...i promise you'll love her. 

Sooo without further ado - The Messy Girl of the Month!
wasn't she a beautiful bride?!? 
Hi all! My name is Kym and I think that the first thing that you should know about me is that writing these "about me" types of things make me feel like I am in a therapy session, so please bare with me ;)

I started my blog Travel Babbles in August 2010 as a means to share everything that I was experiencing in a foreign country when I moved to Germany with my husband TJ for his hockey career. We move around quite a bit for his job, and although we've called Massachusetts, New York, West Virginia, Germany, Texas, and Florida "home" over the past five years, I'm a firm believer that home is where the heart is.

On my blog I share our adventures traveling from one city to the next, as well as all of the trials and tribulations that come with our lifestyle (make sure that you check out my latest post to see exactly what I'm talking about!). Additionally, I use my blog as a creative outlet to share my favorite recipes, visual inspirations, and whatever else makes me smile.

Come over to visit me at Travel Babbles and say hi. I love meeting new bloggers and individuals from all around the world, and I hope that my blog will take you to a place that you've never been before.
If I could be one person for the day I think that I'd like to be Lady Gaga. I watched a recent interview that she had with Oprah and I now see that meat wearing monster in a brand new light. Many of those 'weird' things that she does are publicity stunts to keep her fans interested, and as a blogger I can related to that because I pick and choose the things that I share with my readers which intimately leads them to form opinions about me and either "love me or leave me." I'd really like to know what Gaga is like in 'real life,' because based on how she was with Oprah she seems like a pretty down to earth kind of Lady ;)

Something that you don't know about me that you should is that I eat more than my husband. I have to fuel my body every two hours or I become very angry.
If it was my last day on earth what I would love to do the most is go to the home that I grew up in with my husband, my parents, and my brother and sisters. I would love to cook breakfast, lunch and dinner and enjoy their company for the entire day with wonderful conversation, reflection and laughs. 

sooo the fabulous Kym is giving you guys the chance to win $20 to the one & only TARGET!!! So you know what to do & if you're new around here I highly suggest being logged into your gmail, facebook & twitter accounts. it will make your life so much easier. you can thank me later....

&  make sure you stop by Kyms blog  today....why? well   A) because she is THE messy girl of the month & B) because I said SO!.....okay no really show her some love...& her know Messy.Dirty.Hair. sent you! 


 Interested in being a Messy Girl of the Month!??! Check out all the info HERE

On a mission to lose the cushion


I Just Gotta Get This Off My Chest said...

My biggest pet peeve... when people say supposebly instead of supposedly!!


Heather said...

How did I not know about this messy girl of the month! I need to look into this :)


TheTinyHeart said...

I hate when people don't use their blinkers and just turn!

The Tiny Heart
Chicnova giveaway!

Karen said...

I hate it when people interrupt you before they even hear what you are asking.

Chelsea said...

My biggest pet peeve is people who drive slow in the fast lane!

Anonymous said...

my biggest pet peeve are slow drivers and people who smack their gum!

Bree said...

People who think they know it all.. irritates me to no end :)

Mia @ The Chronicles of Chaos said...

My biggest pet peeve is people who don't leave you alone while you're trying to P.I.P!! haha ;) Great givewaway, love me some Target!

Lily said...

Biggest Pet Peeve..... When someone obviously needs to go blow their nose, but doesn't. AGH! BLOW YOUR NOSE!

Amber Nicole said...

My biggest pet peeve would have to be judgmental people.

Unknown said...

My biggest pet peeve have to be insanely slow drivers!

Katie Did What said...

OMG Target is my mecca. Love this giveaway!! :) As for my pet peeve, it would definitely be drivers who leave their blinker on for miles and miles, with absolutely no intention of turning. Ohh, I cannot STAND that. Especially if they're driving in the far left and have their left turn signal on. I mean, really? You think you're going to turn into the shoulder, there, buddy? Ugh. Okay, I may suffer from SLIGHT road rage... ;)

Charlie's Mommy (Beth) said...

Many pet peeves to choose from, but I will say I can't stand it when people lick their fingers while eating. It just grosses me out!

GGB said...

My biggest pet peeve is drivers who tail gate!!!

Jenna said...

I have so many pet peeves! Haha! But my biggest is when people chew with their mouths open! I could punch someone in the face!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, biggest pet peeve...people who don't use their turning signal.

Eimear O'Reilly Stylist said...

hey hey!
you commented on my blog a few weeks ago and i don't know how i missed you but your blog is brilliant. i love this post. had a look at travel babbles and it actually inspires me because me and my boyfriend are leaving next week to go travelling to canada for a year (we're from ireland)so i'd like to incorporate some travel writing in my blog as soon as we get going. and i also love the fact you're from california cause i think it sounds like the coolest place ever to live even tough i've never been x


My-cliffnotes said...

What doesn't irk me lol
Shitty drivers, and traffic of any kind

Makaila said...

looove Tar'Jay!! Great giveaway!

Biggest Pet Peeve: Peeps that have strong opinions on something they've never done before! Try it first, then I'll listen endlessly to how and what you feel/think about it.

Jenn said...

I love your blog! Thank you for following me, I'm a new follower :)


Erin said...

Chewing with your mouth open. Kills me every damn time!

Whitney Elise said...

Biggest Pet Peeve.. When people pull their fork or spoon across their teeth!!! EEEKKK!!

Jill said...

My biggest pet peeve is noisy eaters.

cynthia said...

hmm... My pet peeves tend to change daily, but today it's bad customer service!!

Kim S said...

That sunset is GORGEOUS!

Ashley said...

what cute kiddos!! and what an awesome giveaway....i dont know one person who doesnt LOVE target!

Myranda said...

Um...when people chew with their mouths open

Because Shanna Said So said...

When people are late!!! When people lie!!! And when people are fake!! Thanks for introducing me to yet another FAB blogger! Love you, Kelly!!

Brittany Dawn said...

People who speed a TON or don't use their turn signal!

Brittany T. said...

oh man,my biggest pet peeve are really nosy, intrusive people, and those who try to tell you what to do..so annoying!

Janna Renee said...

First of all, let me say that a) she's gorgeous, b) I have to follow my hubby around the world, and c)I have to eat every few hours too! De!finitely happy to follow her. As for biggest pet peeve, I'm thinking disrespect. It could be lying, cheating, stealing, judgement, etc. Pretty much just anything that emits a lack of respect

Emily.Duncan said...

People who think Obama is big sh**. #romney2012

Tausha Wierlo said...

I've got a bunch of pet peeves. I HATE when people snore - but most of the time they can't control that. So, I'd have to say when people chew gum loudly or eat with their mouths open! YUCK!!

Chelsea Olivia said...

loud noises annoy the crap out of me. haahah.

Michelle said...

I hate bad drivers!

Jesslyn Amber said...

I hate when people do not wash their hands after using the restroom! Ewwww!

Cramer Coffee and Jesus said...

Biggest pet peeve - this one is easy...SMACKING :)

Jessica Who? said...


Lauren Nicole said...

Easy! My biggest pet peeve is TRAFFIC. Can't. Deal.

Tracy R said...

My biggest pet peeve is people who can not say "sorry" when they make a mistake. It seems I always hear people talk in circles and make ridiculous excuses rather than just admitting a mistake!

funsizetessa said...

my biggest pet peeve is when my husband has stinky breath :)

Amber said...

Biggest pet peeve is being interrupted when I'm talking, ahhh!

Kym @ Travel Babbles said...

Janna, you're very sweet. Thanks for your kind words pretty lady!


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