
are we being fooled?!

have you all heard about the Manti Te'o story?! its pretty crazy. if you haven't or are still not sure what really happened here's a short little version to catch you up to speed - basically he made up a fake girlfriend, told everyone about her, had pictures etc...then he told everyone that she was dying of cancer along the same time his grandma was dying...so it looked like he was going through 2 tragedies at once, which he claims helped & inspired him to be an even better linebacker. So of course everyone was praising him for going through 2 deaths & still becoming a first draft pick.......

until the secret got out. there was no dying girlfriend. there was no girlfriend with cancer. there was no girlfriend. he fooled everyone....However, he's 'claiming' now he was the victim of a 'catfish' incident but you can decide that on your own. 


Personally, I think he's full of shit & what bothers me the most is how EASY it was for him to lie to everyone for over 2 years. 

It just goes to show that even if you think you know someone, in reality you may not know them at all. That's why it's funny with blogging sometimes because yeah sure you think you know all these people writing about their lives but then again look how simple it is to make up a story? 

& It's even easier to lie when it's online...I am sure you have all seen the MTV show 'Catfish'...everyone is getting fooled on that show...so how do we know in blogland we're not getting fooled? 

just something to think about...


honesty really is the best policy & i honestly cannot express to you guys how much I love this girl I have on the blog today. she is one of the nicest & happiest people....she always is smiling & putting out such positive vibes, its contagious. not to mention she has a fabulous sense of humor & like myself loves to talk in hashtag...PLUS she's a working girl with her own business....& I am obsessed with the hair accessories she makes - see picture below - but enough of me rambling on meet her for yourself - & do yourself a favor & get one of these adorable headbands! 

wearing J&M's Eye Candy

so without further ado meet the wonderful & fabulous 

Hi there fellow Messy lovers! 
I'm Kristine! 

Wifey to the Hubs.
Momma to our M&M girls.
Author of this here blog-o and Owner of J&M's Eye Candy Shoppe!

At my casa you'll find me {over}sharing and documenting my attempts at being a fun mom and wifey, being "fashionable", and being Suzy Homemaker, ya know throwing in some sweets and some craftoons in the mix. As you can see I enjoy making up words too. I am also obsessed with using hashtags #canthelpmyself #hashtagqueen If you want to know some of my deep dark secrets I shared some over here.

Now that you're back didn't I warn you? #hashtagoverload
I can be a wee bit sarcastic, but try not to take offense mmmkay? We might not agree on some things, but no worries, we can still be friends! I promise!

If you stop by my place be sure to let me know I sent you.

That'll get you noticed. #fosho #holla


Its your last day on earth - what do you do?
Head to a beach with my fam and besties. Live.it.up.

What are you most looking forward to this new year?
Not being getting preggers! Ok that, and our cruise vacay next month! #canIgetawootwoot

Whats one thing we don't know about you that you think we should?
I add "make the bed" to my to-do list every day, just to get the satisfaction of crossing something off it. #howsthatforrandom

Sooo you're in luck because today Kristine is giving away a J&M's Eye Candy Grab Bag valued at $15 ie her adorable hair accessories, Large Ad Space, & a $10 Target Gift Card...told you she was aaamazing!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Don't forget to linkup on FRIDAY for the 2nd round of Fearless Fashion Friday 
Last day to get 20% off all Sponsor Ads using the promo code - TEACHER - info HERE
PS. #TheMessyProject is LIVE Wednesday!!!! 

Mis En Place


Anonymous said...

I TOTALLY think that he's in on it!! Catfish my ass. He used it for publicity to try to get the Heisman. BULLSHIT! :) ♥

Lindsay Erin said...

Ummm...me thinks he fibs. P.S. How are you a star football player for a big name school and date a girl you've never even met? You're a star football player!!!

Unknown said...

I'm not really sure though, I think that he really was fooled. What is the point of lying about that for 2 years and lying to his parents about it? :/

Unknown said...

I've wondered if people lie on their blogs sometimes, but honestly, it would be sooo hard for me to do. I could not make up the crap I post! I can't imagine keeping up a lie like that for so long!

Niki {Glossy Blonde} said...

I love Kristine and I totally agree with you that honesty is the best policy! I have a really hard time trusting people in general just because I've come across so many fake, nasty people. Not to say that there aren't great people out there because there are so many people who I just adore! It just takes me a long time to trust :)

Niki {Glossy Blonde} said...

Messy Project Item - hmmmm... I'm thinking a skirt???

Chelsea said...

Hmmm... this is hard! A shirt?!

Anonymous said...

Maybe a headband...??

Thanks for the giveaway :)

Anonymous said...

It's not hard to believe he was fooled especially when the person who lied to him did to it someone else. People think it's funny to make others miserable. There are plenty of people out there who have been dating and have only met each other online. I believe Te'o considering the guy who duped him just apologized to the woman whose picture he stole to pretend to be the girlfriend.

vanessa • withgreatheart.com • attractive, affordable blog + web design said...

A hair clip maybe?

Janna Renee said...

I absolutely ADORE Kristine! She is really wonderful and REAL. I try to take people at face value (especially in blogland). I'd rather be blissfully ignorant as long as it doesn't directly affect me. It's easier to believe people than to question everyone. Sometimes it doesn't turn out well, but more often than not...it makes me happier.

Unknown said...

i have no idea.. nail polish!?

tiffany said...

a shirt?

Anonymous said...

hmm i say shirt? not sure ha!

Shellsea said...

I totally don't believe the Manteo story. I used to be gullible but not I am so weary. As for blogland I agree with Janna blissful ignorance because I truly think everyone I read is real.

Shellsea said...

For the MDP and giveaway: I think the item is maybe an A line skirt? maybe??

Unknown said...

nail polish?


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