
im a junkie...

Hellllooo lovers & happy sunday! Today is another day of Social Sunday with Neely & Ashley! Today’s topic is television & we all know I’m a huge TV junkie....so I was even more excited for this week’s questions..& swift if you're reading this I'm glad we're TV junkies together!

So let’s get social!

New Splendid swimsuit I won from Kori's Giveaway!!

Sunday Social

Favorite TV Show of the Past

I have a few favorite past shows number one being SCRUBS... the main reason behind my love for SCRUBS is a few years back I was going through a tough time & was alone one night feeling sorry for myself, going through the channels. Nothing was on but SCRUBS, I had never watched it before so I gave it a try. It was love at first watch....& it really helped me get through my hard time...I don't know how or why but it did....& for that SCRUBS will always be special for me...plus even better I met Bill Lawrence the creator behind SCRUBS & Cougar Town. He is beyond inspirational & so so talented.


Bill Lawrence & I...he signed my SCRUBS dvds :)

I was also a huge One Tree Hill fan...they had the most intense episodes...anyone remember the school shooting one?!....Then Peyton & Lucas left...so I left too, it just wasn't the same without them


I will always have love for The OC...to me it was just one of those great classic teen dramas...I remember in college my roommates & I would stay up until 3am in the morning just watching the dvds...it's the type of show once you start you just can't stop...we would literally have to force ourselves to go to bed...i miss that show


And Entourage....I don’t know why it ever ended! I thought they were making a movie....so where is it?!...can you name the actor this show is based off of?


Favorite TV Show Currently

Of course I have a few but my number one is How I Met Your Mother...I am beyond obsessed with this show....the cast is fantastic & the writing always surprises me. I watch at least 2-4 episodes every day. I have all the dvds so I am constantly just re watching them. Seriously I wish I was the mother. I love Ted.


I am also obsessed with Dexter....it weird because I can't really watch anything scary, i get freaked out really quickly but for some reason I don't feel that way about Dexter...I guess its because i too have a dark passenger sometimes ha ha..plus how can you not just love the character Dexter


I love WEEDS...& all the craziness that goes on in show..it always leaves me saying what the f...plus how can you not love Nancy...she's such a bad ass


Which Reality Show would You NEVER do?

I would never do any type of challenge, like survivor or the amazing race.....As you know any type of working out is just not my thing.

I've used this ecard before, but its just so me...haha!

Which Reality Show Would You LOVE to do?

When I was in college I would have said The Real World hands down but not anymore...


I would love to be on Say Yes to the Dress! I love Kleinfield & would love to have Randy help me!


TV Personality/Character that you feel is most like you?

Isn't it funny how invested we get in our shows....so invested that we start talking about the characters like we actually know them... i do this all the time....I would have to say the character Carla from SCRUBS. She’s a strong, honest no BS independent woman....& everyone always goes to her for her straight forward advice, just like me


TV Character You'd Want to Date?

Ted (Josh Radnor) from How I Met Your Mother


JD (Zach Braff) from SCRUBS they're my two TV leading men


Can you imagine how hard it was for me when Sarah Chalk from SCRUBS who played Elliot & was JDs love interest who I loved, was also Teds love interest on How I Met Your Mother who I hated...& now its hard for me to look at Elliot the same way...I always think of Stella....if you don't watch either of these shows you will have NO idea what I'm talking about..sorry!


So that's it for today! What are your favorite TV shows past & present? Make sure you go & join the fun & link up for Social Sunday!

Tomorrow starts my GIVEAWAY so be sure to check back here for details on how to enter & what I'm giving away....here's a hint - it's something you can wear....



The High Heeled Brunette said...

Oh how I miss The OC & One Tree Hill. My faves too.

Jana Faith said...

I watched One Tree Hill until the end. I also cried during that show so many times! My husband would come to check on me, then see what was on the tv screen and know I was ok. I often called him many times after a OTH episode bawling about what happened when he was still my boyfriend. Good taste have you. (a la Yoda)

Anonymous said...

I. Hated. Stella. She made all the single mothers out there look like a stuck up, selfish bitch. UGH! That's why I stopped watching the show. Was because of her!

And I LOOOOOOOVE Scrubs!! I really love how the Dr. Cox always calls Zach Braff "Britney" or some other woman name and his whistle... LMAO!!

http://youtu.be/6hsKgwo8eHk - look at that!!

Sara said...

Fellow One Tree Hill fan! Also, I feel exactly the same way about Dexter. I refused to watch it because I hate scary movies. My husband finally convinced me and I love it!

Georgi said...

aw sweet blog you have :)

Georgi at 7wonders xx stop by any time www.7wondersblog.net

Ashley said...

I had the same problem with Sarah Chalke when I watched HIMYM! I also watched her on Roseanne when I was little, so that threw another show in the mix. But that was so bitchy what she did to Ted!!

Lyzz said...

Scrubs is a good one!!
I sadly wasn't into OTH once Lucas left as well, but I did make it through all the seasons, and was sad when the series finale came.

But Millie and Mouth got pregnant, and of course Jamie Scott was the star of the basketball team!

Lauren // Pink on the Cheek said...

oh yeah we know how i feel about ted. but i would laugh if you were the mom!!! I like that you picked carla as the character like you. I think that really fits the description of you! Have a great sunday!

Alyssa said...

I love OTH!! I miss it so much still!

Carlee, Little Sloth said...

I loved the OC too and I miss it as well. My favorite reality tv shoes right now are teen mom and bachlorette. (if we can call those reality)

Meghan said...

OMG. The OC. Seriously, I ADORED Seth and Ryan, although I think it all went south when they killed off Marissa - speaking of, whatever happened to Mischa Barton???

Micah said...

I'm so glad you like Ted too. Everyone else I know thinks he's annoying. I think he's adorable.

Ashley said...

girl i am SOOOO a OTH fan. i have almost all the season on DVD! haha. and the OC - classic! my whole dorm floor used to gather in a few rooms and watch it! i LOVE LOVE LOVE your new swimsuit on you.....perection! happy sunday!

Anonymous said...

I'm a huge OTH fan!
The OC is a classic. I watch it on soapnet on weekends! Lol

Ashley said...

Oh my goodness, I almost put Say Yes to the Dress on my list too! I would LOVE to have Randy help me pick out a dress!

One Tree Hill and The OC were amazing. I miss them both!

Thanks for linking up, girlie!

Anonymous said...


Fav quote from the show - "Relationships can be defined by the big moments that don't happen, or the little ones that do. But once the drama is gone, it's pretty simple - you just have to do whatever it takes to make each other happy."

Yuli Conversations said...

I looove 'how i met your mother', my hubby and I watch it all the time!

Heather @ Cookies For Breakfast said...

Ahh I said Real World as well, but decided I'm far too old for them to ever cast me! Unless it's like, geriatric Real World. Alas... I'm an MTV-oholic and nearing 30. Should have switched to VH1 by now ;-)

Unknown said...

I love all of this. Especially all the Scrubs!

Katie said...

I'm with you-- I hated Stella!! But Sarah Chalke is so cute! Found you through the Sunday Social (duh!). :)

Anonymous said...

hahaha KEL you were right, i love it!! JD<3
another reason why scrubs is important- in its last fake med school season, bill brought us DAVVEYYY FRANCO...and it was good.
fun post!! :)
xoxo MS


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